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JavaScript - Google Closure Compiler V.S. Gulp uglify

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# JavaScript - Google Closure Compiler V.S. Gulp uglify

## Intro

I have two choice

  1. Google Closure Compiler

  2. UglifyJs

### Google Closure Compiler

Google Closure Compiler

Google Closure Compiler is a tool for minify and uglify js.

  • From Google

  • Java

  • Command Line

  • Slow

### UglifyJs


  • More option setting

  • Node.js

  • Command Line

  • Fast

## Test

### Google Closure Compiler

When i run command line, it used lot of cpu source.

Can feel it lock some seconds.

If compiler error,it can show error message.

### UglifyJs

It’s so fast.

It can fix some small error when it compiler.

So i recommendation this tool.

Finally i use Gulp handle uglifyJs.