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Tedshd's Dev note

JavaScript - touch and click behavior in mobile browser

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# JavaScript - touch and click behavior in mobile browser

On mobile web

If you click it

And mobile browser can fire touchstart and click

Fire touchstart event and then fire click event has the difference in time.

the step is touchstart -> click

So if you has a popup and you use touchstart event bind close behavior.

You can find it fire click event.

Then some bug happened.

In this case(suggest use mobile browser)

When you click close.

Then popup closed.

Because the difference in time.

Then click event fired the popup is closed.

So click event can click a link.

Because the click event is click that position and that position has a link.

So it can click a link.

## Solution

  1. Use click bind.

  2. Use e.preventDefault() in touchstart event, but it also can stop fire touchmove and touchend event.

Reference - Ghost clicks in mobile browsers