category: SEO

SEO - 增強 Youtube video SEO

on 2019-12-23




雖然已經是 2016 的文章


雖然這文章有在業配服務 XD





Video Information

Video Content

  • 以解決需求為優先
  • 產品介紹
  • 教程
  • 知識分享

Video Length

While aggregated clicks are still counted, the amount of engagement on your videos play a huge role like the likes, dislikes, comments, watch time, shares, views on other sites, engagement on other sites. This required YouTubers to create better videos with more engaging content in order to rank higher.

  • 點擊
  • like
  • dislike
  • 評論
  • 觀看時間
  • 分享到其他地方(影片的擴散)

Make your videos at least at least 2 minutes in length; it’ll be really good if it’s 10 but don’t compromise the quality for Watch Time. If your viewers are engaged in your video for a longer duration, your videos will rank better. But if you’re just stretching your videos for this, you won’t be able to keep a user on your video and they won’t rank well.

  • 最少兩分鐘
  • 十分鐘非常好

Video Name

  1. Select finished video file that you will upload. Rename the file Video Title.
  2. And then right click on the file and select “Get Info/Properties”.
  3. Then go to “Details”.
  4. Add some tags related to the content.
  5. Under “Title” or “Name & Extension”, name the file which includes your top 2 keywords.
  6. Write a short description of your video in “Comments”

先編輯好影片檔案 meta 在上傳


  • Make it at least 200 words.
  • Use synonyms for your keywords.
  • Don’t stuff keywords or you won’t rank.
  • Write a different description for each video. Or it’ll go down as duplicated content.
  • Write out the video transcript using some software.

Make Playlists

Customise Thumbnails

Take advantage of Social Media

Search engine optimisation (SEO) has 3 facets:

  • On-page SEO– As in how your website is structured, image tags, keyword density, tags, etc.
  • Off-page SEO– Other domains that link back to your website.
  • Relevance– As in how many people found it helpful. This is measured by Social media engagement, like how many people liked it, shared it, etc. Make this process easier by syncing your YouTube account with your social media accounts, and post your videos on your profile and relevant pages.

Make Your Channel Page Pretty

YouTube sees a channel without a profile picture, header, description and links as spam. It is an additional ranking hack, adds a pop to your channel, and can show what your videos are about.

  • Add links to all your social media accounts.
  • Add a nice and relevant channel image and banner.
  • Write a long description in the about section (include synonym keywords).
  • Subscribe to similar channels.

For beginners trying to understand SEO, stick with low competition/long tail keywords.

The hacks laid out above will rank any low competitive or long tail keyword. If you want to rank your video for added competitive terms you have to embed the HTML on other sites and build links to your video.

But make a few high-quality links steadily instead of spamming all at once. You can use link sources such as:

  • Private blog networks (PBN)
  • Other blogging sites like WordPress, Blogger, Tumblr
  • Social bookmarks
  • Guest posts
  • Your own site
  • Comment links on relevant places
  • Pinterest pins

利用其他 social mdeia 或管道增強曝光


Tags aren’t the most important, but they help a lot. They help YouTube and Google learn what your video is about. Targeted tags not only help you rank for your target keyword but get you to you show up more often as a related video in the sidebar area of YouTube. When someone’s watching a video with a similar tag as your video then you’re added to the sidebar.

下 tag 會幫助你顯示在其他相似 tag 的 video 旁邊的側邊欄

Types of Tags:

Tags are another important way to get ranking in youtube search, here are few tips to put tags in your video-

  • List Specific Tags first: These are one-word keywords that represent the topic at hand. If YouTube gives you pre-filled suggestions that are essentially what you want, then use those, but also use the same words in a generic way.

  • List Generic Tags: These are words like how-to, tutorial, and vlog. YouTube offers suggestions, so use them.

  • Also, Long-Tail Tags: These are multiple-word tags. You can just copy the title and use it as a tag, leaving out conjunctions and prepositions (such as “of,” “in,” “and,” etc.), because YouTube ignores these words.

  • Don’t miss the Misspellings: Derral misspells words on purpose because people search for these words. For eg. Some tags like these: “Ellen Show” and also “elen show” , “ellen degeneres” and “ellen degenrous”

先是重要的特殊專門的 tag

再來是一般的 tag

再來是長尾的 tag

最後加上一些容易拼錯的 tag

More Dos and Dont’s:

  • You can only use 500 characters in your tags.

  • Don’t use misleading tags as this process will end up working against you in the search algorithm.

  • YouTube uses the meta information to do a quick assessment of your video, then it ignores your meta data. However, when the meta data is updated, it can help you in search after a few weeks when YouTube inventories the data again.

  • If you use repetitive keywords across all your videos, they will have a higher likelihood of referring to each other in the suggested videos column on the right of the page. Setting default tags from settings can make that process easier.



Refer - How To Rank Your YouTube Video On The First Page Of Google Search Results

Refer - How To Use YouTube Tags To Rank Higher In Search Results






8 Types of CTAs you Should Be Using in Your YouTube Channel


Tube Buddy or vidIQ


Tube Buddy 個人蠻喜歡的

它有個不錯的功能是會給建議的 tags

但是它應該是從 title 找出相關的 tag



15 Inspiring YouTube Video Ideas to Build Your Brand



發現一個 Youtube 影片的搜尋結果很有趣

Google 會自動把內容擷取出來

有點類似 How to 的 video 結果

Read more

Web - HTML metadata image size with open graph…etc

on 2019-10-03

Web - HTML metadata image size with open graph…etc

HTML use some meta tag for SEO, social media or App link…

List some limit with image size or logo size

Facebook open graph

Refers - Images in Link Shares

  • The minimum allowed image dimension is 200 x 200 pixels.
  • The size of the image file must not exceed 8 MB.
  • Use images that are at least 1200 x 630 pixels for the best display on high resolution devices. At the minimum, you should use images that are 600 x 315 pixels to display link page posts with larger images.

Twitter card

A URL to a unique image representing the content of the page. You should not use a generic image such as your website logo, author photo, or other image that spans multiple pages. Images for this Card support an aspect ratio of 1:1 with minimum dimensions of 144x144 or maximum of 4096x4096 pixels. Images must be less than 5MB in size. The image will be cropped to a square on all platforms. JPG, PNG, WEBP and GIF formats are supported. Only the first frame of an animated GIF will be used. SVG is not supported.

Refers - Optimize Tweets with Cards


No limit

Refers - Rich Pins

  • The image must be 112x112px, at minimum.
  • The image URL must be crawlable and indexable.
  • The image must be in .jpg, .png, or. gif format.

Refers - Logo  |  Search  |  Google Developers


Use 600x350 or 1200x630 PNG or JPG

If use for other type

Can reference Google developer Structured data


The Open Graph protocol

Some tip: The Facebook Crawler

Read more