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Tedshd's Dev note


中華電信設定固定 IP

在 cloud functions 或是 firebase functions 處理 nodejs 使用 import 的方式

MySQL export import 紀錄

使用 golang migrate 安裝紀錄

Firebase dynamic links 遷移轉換

JavaScript 確認頁面有沒有縮放

CSS 處理多行省略

Angular build custom element

解決 Mac 外接硬碟讀不到 / 沒有顯示

Fixed android file transfer not work in mac

App store & Google Play IAP((In-App Purchase)) 內購與訂閱注意事項

修復 mac m1 開機偵測不到 type-c 螢幕

前端工程師工作 10 年心得

Nginx 使用 host 判斷作 reverse proxy

Google Cloud 使用 artifact registry 和 compute engine

Node PM2 使用紀錄

Firebase app check 使用紀錄

Unarchived firebase console dynamic link

SSH 到 Windows Server

在 JavaScript 處理各個時區對應的日期時間

2022 年使用 YouTube player sdk

在 iOS Messages 呈現帶影片預覽的連結

調整和關閉 mobile device 點擊時 highligh 樣式

docker 建立不同平台的 image

Safari 設定 100vh 還是出現卷軸(scroll bar)

Mac M1 run MySQL in local docker

Web 服務確認 IP Location 的幾種做法

PHP 爬蟲 抓取 HTML 內容

網頁處理 RTL(Right To Left) 右到左的文字排版

在點擊連結或是 redirect 前送出請求

Javascript 判斷並且取出 url

JavaScript 計算 emoji

Firebase remote config rest 更新

Nginx 使用 refer 處理 CORS header

GA4 資料整理

PHP - 使用 urlencode rawurlencode 的差異和使用 http_build_query

使用 IMAP & SMTP 來加強處理 Gmail

docker 使用紀錄

Puppeteer 安裝在 ubuntu server 使用紀錄

JavaScript - 處理一些排序的方式

HTML form submit same name in php, nodejs, golang





php - 載入文字轉成圖片

Google search result with structured data

Mobile web remove touch background

Canvas research log

Npm install local

SEO - 增強 Youtube video SEO

Firebase - Firebase functions 使用紀錄

Header - Accept-Language & Content-Language

PHP - check HTTP protocol

Research - 加強在 Web 服務在搜尋引擎與部分社群的呈現

2019 Mozilla Developer Roadshow Asia Taipei 與會紀錄

youtube-dl - 使用筆記

php - float 浮點數科學記號轉換

Web - HTML metadata image size with open graph…etc

Google - 知識面板(knowledge panel)

redis - note

golang - note

web - favicon 使用筆記

Vue - 使用 Vue cli 3 開發 SSR 紀錄

Mac - php redis install

Golang - gvm Golang version manger

Vue - Vue cli note

JavaScript - 半形 全形 轉換

Chrome headless 研究筆記

2018 Google cloud 訓練營 筆記

JavaScript - 計算網頁元件的曝光

Mac - Get file user(owner) name & user id

LINE - 2018 1111 分享得 LINE point 研究筆記與分析報告

Mac - shell script check OS

Mac - stat get owner name

Mac - Use readlink in Mac OS X

Paypal - 如何取得 API 簽章

JavaScript - 使用與處理正確的時間

Web Develop on mobile web & WebView

Web - viewport 是啥?你真的了解移動裝置的畫面大小處理嗎?來講古了

AMP - amp analytics & conversion

paypal - 利用 paypal 開發一個簡單的 EC

webview - handle iOS status bar empty height in webview

HTML - image load error handle

Something about favicon on website

Maker - apws96 winkeyless 96 keyboard

PHP - Geoip 設定 隨手紀錄

php - loop directory

php - 比對時間

web - mobile web on iPhone X first preview

ubuntu - apt-get install php repository 403

HTML - dns-prefetch, preconnect, prefetch, prerender 研究筆記

Node.js - 簡單起一個 local server 進行測試

AMP - Accelerated Mobile Pages key point

JavaScript - web call native app

CSS - content property use special char

JavaScript - browser zoom detect

Google search develop for SEO - research log

AMP - Accelerated Mobile Pages 研究筆記

Firebase - Firebase Cloud Message(FCM) Research Log

JavaScript - get text from dom object not include wrap html tag in child

Content Security Policy - 論一般網站放置的可行性

JavaScript - touch and click behavior in mobile browser

Sublime Text - How to modify font size in sidebar

gulp - One problem i found when i use CSS minify with some CSS library

Linux - install gogole chrome in debian Linux - 前端測試入門筆記…

Let’s Encrypt - Has a certificate problem in Android Chrome

JavaScript - Why i from RequireJS to webpack

JavaScript - 動作行為抽象化實例

Slack - bot 研究雜記

Node.js - 直接執行指令

JavaScript - facebook save to facebook button

Google Adsense domain 設置

JavaScript - DOM object check array & isArray polyfill

Vim - JavaScript auto complete

HTML - redirect page from http-equiv

JavaScript - get CSS style

Google Cloud Platform - 空間不足, 設定 swap, kernel 升級

CSS4 - 關於 css4 and postcss 的一些想法

Something about XSS(Cross-site scripting)

php - Ubuntu 14 PHP 5.6 or to upgrade from PHP 5.5

JavaScript - Get & Set some value about form input type and select

Linux / Unix - terminal control

nginx - study log

Google Cloud Platform - Study Log

JavaScript - something about childNodes and nextSibling why they get DOM is not as you imagine

PHP - Auto update static files cache

JavaScript - Google Closure Compiler V.S. Gulp uglify

CSS - web font

gulp.js - Concatenate File When Gulp Watch

Apache - Apache Command Line on Mac / Ubuntu

JavaScript - scrollTop

Mac - hide desktop icon

CSS3 - object-fit

JavaScript - insertBefore & insertAfter

Linux - Set Encoding In Linux Environment

JavaScript - Dynamic Load script || JSONP Callback

Docker - Mac research log

Apache - dir permission cnfig

Maker - GH60 RevCHN

JavaScript - Use createElement or string?

CSS - Modify Pseudo Element Content

Hubot - Develop log

JavaScript - Cross Module Communication


AJAX - XMLHttpRequest Introduction

JavaScript - detect CSS3 transitionEnd

JavaScript - Converting a JavaScript string to a html object

PHP - install phpcs(PHP CodeSniffer)

git hooks

Firefox 10 週年派對

JavaScript - handle textarea value

Compass - Use transform in compass 1.0.1

Web Develop - Flexible Footer


Git - GitHub gh-pages

gulp.js - Use Log

miiiTV 2.0 - F2E

miiiTV - web player structure

Youku Api & player

CSS - SASS handle index

HTML5 - Video Introduction

Git -Tip & Note

JavaScript - handle load img fail

Windows 8.1 app develop - Introduction

CSS - font-family

AngularJS - $http

JavaScript - 多行文字省略

AngularJS - do something after ng-repeat

AngularJS - routing

JavaScript - custom facebook share button

JavaScript - Random Array Sort

HTML5 - Full Screen Mode

MongoDB - Note

Samsung Samrt TV - Network Error Handle

PgREST - build note

CSS - 垂直置中

Vim - colorscheme

Node.js - install

Sublime - Command Line

JavaScript - delete element

Clean Code(無暇的程式碼) - Note

Develop Samsung Smart TV Apps - Update(SDK 5.0)

JavaScript - time seconds to hh:mm:ss

JavaScript - Scroll Progress

Sublime - change layout view in 2 columns

JavaScript - jQuery index() in JavaScript

JavaScript - Encryption

JavaScript - get element height

Mac - Build Front End Developer Environment

Samsung Samrt TV - volume OSD

miiiTV for Samsung Smart TV

Samsung Samrt TV - save / load data

CSS - 文字圍繞陰影

JavaScript - jsonp

JavaScript - YouTube API note

Konami 密技 JavaScript 簡單實作

JavaScript - Some Articles Collection

Develop Samsung Smart TV Apps

CSS - Opacity effect child element

Website switch layout

Detect mobile device

JavaScript - Easy to get DOM

Google map api - research log

Facebook api get UID & AccessToken

Sass compile two spaces

JavaScript - Event

Android - Note(view)

Codeigniter - load data in view for JavaScript

JavaScript - handle JSON

javascript - file upload

Use CSS3 animation in Compass

file upload show progress bar

AJAX - XMLHttpRequest

file upload using ajax

KBtalking pure pro programming

Git - command

Git - 使用別人的 repository

Adobe Flash Player 11.8.800.168 upload file issue

瀑布流(Pinterest-style) layout

Coding Style

Place on and embed code from internet

JavaScript - design pattern

Git - Note

Effeckt.css - Note

JavaScript - onbeforeunload

Codeigniter - Note

‎Sublime Text - Plug-In

‎Sublime Text - Hot Key

Sublime Text - initial setting

PHP Note

Codeigniter - AJAX(post)

MySQL command

Computer Science

Computer Science - 亂數

Computer Science - 位元和邏輯區組

Computer Science - 作業系統

Computer Science - 布林邏輯

Computer Science - 有限狀態機

Computer Science - 杜林機

Computer Science - 流體電腦

Computer Science - 演算法

Computer Science - 與硬體對話

Computer Science - 計算能力

Computer Science - 語言轉譯

Computer Science - 量子計算

logdown Tab test

Vim config in Mac

JavaScript type


CSS attribute

CSS Note

HTML Design Pattern



file upload 123

Linux/unix command

Login forget pwd

jQuery-design pattern

innerHeight & innerWidth

jQuery selector


Browser 判斷

fileUpload by yui library

Hello World

JavaScript function